Toronto Architecture Photographer — Exterior photographs of The Dylan Condos by Chestnut Hill Developments

Exterior work-in-progress architectural photographs of The Dylan Condos by Chestnut Hill Developments. It’s always a unique challenge to make compelling architectural photographs of projects still under construction. You have limited access, often no clear perspectives and a plethora of eye-grabbing distractions. With this set, I leveraged the light to provide a clearer direction for the eye to follow. By separating light and shadow and focusing on strong composition, I am able to create a sense of flow in an otherwise visually chaotic scene. The Dylan is set for completion in 2024.

“Upon arrival you’re met with a dramatic melding of traditional masonry accented by bold stone elements trimmed in dark metal panels. Inside it’s another world, adorned with hits of warm tones, leather accents, unique textures, and designs. Definitely distinct.”

— Chestnut Hill Developments


Subject: The Dylan Condos

Location: 831 Glencairn Ave, Toronto

Completion: Under Construction 

Developer: Chestnut Hill Developments

Architect: Kirkor Architects Planners

Landscape Architect: STUDIO tla


Gear: Leica SL2, Sigma 24-70mm 2.8


Canadian Architecture Photography — Aga Khan Museum, Toronto


Toronto Architecture Photographer — Documenting 8 Haus Condos